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AMD Ionic Foot Detox Bath

What Is It?


The IonCleanse helps the body relax and gently detox in a way it has never been able to before, even if normal pathways of elimination are compromised. Detoxification and relaxation is a choice to strongly consider as part of your protocol. You place your feet in warm water and the IonCleanse gets to work. All you feel is a warm foot soak. That's why this type of therapy is awesome for kiddos! 


Why Detox?


Toxicants and toxicity interfere with every system of the body. Detoxification with the IonCleanse paves a clearer path to success by helping the body's normal systems and processes function without these impediments. When you incorporate the IonCleanse into a health plan, almost every other therapy or intervention may have a greater impact on your health and wellness. 


How It Works?


The IonCleanse is proprietary and patented technology results in only biocompatible electrical frequencies entering the water. This elicits a relaxation response. Concurrently, these frequencies create an ionic field that cleanses and purifies the body through the power of ions. The process ionizes the water has H20 is spilt on OH and H ions. These ions attract and neutralize oppositely charged toxins. After a session the user feels calm, relaxed, and focused. There are no harmful side-effects, and the process is painless, non-invasive, and completely safe. 


The Research


34% Reduction in Glyphosate

46% Reduction in Aluminum

24% Reduction in Cadmium

Toxins removed: mercury, cadmium, lead, aluminum


What to Expect?


Better and deeper sleep

Greater sense of calm

Reduced brain fog

Improved general wellness

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