Thyroid & Liver Health
This is a quick look at the importance of maintaining liver and thyroid health
The Magic 24 Hour Fast
This past year has illuminated my mind to the world of fasting. I knew that it had some health benefits, but I was a little scared to...
Children and Chiropractic: Toddlers
In our second installment to our "Children and Chiropractic" series, we will discuss Chiropractic care for toddlers. The toddler age...
Children & Chiropractic: Newborns
One of the many joys of being a Chiropractor, is seeing a child that has either emotional or physical issues that resolve with...
Miracle Cold Salve
The kids are heading back to school soon and you know what that means. . . . germs! It is all too typical that when all the kids get back...
What Just Happened?? The Post Partum Period
Pregnancy is one of the strangest and most wonderful experiences of our lives. We go through a roller coaster ride of emotions. We wonder...
The Webster Technique for Pregnancy
In recent years, an increasing number of women are seeking chiropractic care during their pregnancy. Women are beginning to understand...